2023年7月19日 — To be able to trade at all in Warframe, you'll first have to reach Mastery Rank 2. You can reach this by completing missions on the star chart ...
2023年5月28日 — Hover the cursor over any item and the tooltip that pops up will have a trade symbol that looks like this if they can be traded. Most basic ...
Welcome to Warframe's Trading system! Here you can trade in-game items and Platinum with other Tenno. The first rule of trading in Warframe is to only trade ...
TRADING GUIDE: · Enter Maroo's Bazaar and open the Gear, then click Set up shop, choose the items you wish to display, and confirm or approach a player with ...
The leading Warframe trading platform for tenno, where you can buy and sell vaulted & unvaulted items along with Waframe sets, Parts, Weapons, Mods, Relics, ...
To make sure you can trade with friends or fellow Tenno across platforms, make sure you are using a Cross Platform Save Account (or PC account*) and have Cross ...